主题:Higher Education Faculty Development
嘉宾:Shelda Debowski 教授,博士(澳大利亚西澳大学高等教育学教授;曾任国际教师发展组织ICED主席两年,任澳大利亚高等教育研究与发展组织主席六年)
- Understanding the academic context and how faculty developers might support academics
- The major faculty development models
- Emerging shifts in international faculty development
- Measuring success as a faculty developer
Shelda Debowski,
PhD, M.Ed, B.Ed, MAPS, CAHRI, GAICD, FHERDSA, FAIM, ATEMF, is a leading expert in the development of academic practices. For ten years she was Winthrop Professor of Higher Education Development at the University of Western Australia and following that, Deputy Vice Chancellor at the University of Notre Dame Australia. She is now an international consultant, providing guidance to universities across the world. Dr Debowski’s latest book, The New Academic: A Strategic Handbook explores a number of critical capabilities that underpin successful academic work. She has led a number of educational innovations - particularly to support academics in building their critical skills. Her most recent project has related to creating more support to help students reflect on their learning. Shelda has led the development of two online programs for academics: the Future Research Leaders Program and Professional Skills for Research Leaders (Epigeum, London). She recently published a new guide Leading Academic Networks that draws on her extensive experience in leading international networks. She was the President of the International Consortium for Educational Development (ICED) for two years and President of HERDSA, the Australasian Higher Education Research and Development Network for six years. She led an international delegation to China to explore learning and teaching innovations in 2010.